As I now have to work remotely, I'm finally having to give my drawing pad another trip out of the box due to not having a printer to allow me to draft by hand with a light box. This meant that when I had wished to draw the process of a man walking through the spaces, I needed to work with digital drawing in Adobe Illustrator. The results of this (below) were pretty successful and have encouraged me to use this process more, perhaps even more once returning to the studio to finish my masters next year.

After I had drawn this process of a man walking, I began to draft one of the routes through my building (Entrance - Reception - Garden): this was intended to incorporate both these drawings, and ideas of the buildings form, and the way it allows light to enter.

Having found this exercise rather helpful and enjoying the process, I decided to continue with this style of drawing to create the further four routes through the building, alongside the route of water flowing through the building.