Having followed several lines of enquiry into the thresholds of the buildings selection across the Islamic, Jewish, Christian and Secularist worship and meeting spaces, and coming to the understanding that the depth of the thresholds were in fact deeper than just a doorway or hallway but often were present over several interstitial spaces, a new method of diagramming and recording this was required to unravel the plans and view these routes through thresholds.
The drawings of OMA which create 'trajectories' from unfolded plans documenting the routes and views of circulation spaces across the Dutch Embassy in Berlin were an inspiration which was able to solve the need to unravel the interstitial spaces across the plans of each building to understand the depths of threshold spaces.

Through looking at the OMA drawings, the relationship between spaces and circulation as well as viewpoints and internal thresholds can be understood across several floors in unison, rather than trying to compare each floor at a time. To better understand these relationships in the buildings I have selected to analyse, I will translate the plans for the buildings (below) into trajectory diagrams for comparison.
