Speaking to Sebastian following the failed clay vessel experiment led me to think more about the meaning behind each material and its process of being incorporated into the artefact.
At the advice of the technicians, I attempted to make an MDF box to be vacuum formed to create the vessel. The box itself collapsed at a corner when the vacuum was turned on so needed reinforcing with extra structural elements inside. The second attempt to vacuum form it also failed due to the sheet of plastic being too thick and therefore burning before it could be malleable enough to create the shape of the box.
To fix this issue, a new box was built out of plywood as this is more water resistant than MDF, and to then line the box with plastic to retain the water. I will also be looking for a plastic box which can be cut down to size to insert into the base as a plan B.
I then tested, with Richard, the frames strength standing on the base. The chipboard sidings had unfortunately warped on one side. To counteract this, we will be using a floor board tomorrow to strengthen the chipboard and pull it back into place.